Bloomfield (Bloomfield House)

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory
1877-1883 Mrs. Murphy, Bloomfield house
1882 Miss Sparrow, Bloomfield house
1884-1885 John Robinson, commercial traveller, Bloomfield, Halseton-lane
1886 Vacant
1887-1889 Alexander Buckley, Bloomfield
1890 John Moody Campbell, Bloomfield
1891 Vacant
1892-1893 J. Nolan, Bloomfield
1894-1895 James Sidney Gray, Bloomfield house, Herberton-bridge
1896 Robert Eager, Bloomfield house
1897-1898 W. L. Pearson, Bloomfield house
1898 William Arson, Bloomfield House
1899-1901 Mrs. Sealy, Bloomfield House
1900-1903 Major William Claudius Clifford
1902-1906 J. D. Richardson, Bloomfield House (Veterinary Inspector ) [Also owned Herberton House on SCR, see Ceannt papers]
1913-1915 Eamonn Ceannt, Bloomfield
1916-1917 P. Levins, Bloomfield, Rutland-Avenue
1916-1921 W. Levins, Bloomfield House, Herberton Lane
1918-1919 John Gilchrist, Bloomfield
1921 John Levins, Bloomfield
1922-1927 Thomas J. O’Byrne, Bloomfield
1928-1949 Patrick Thornton, Bloomfield

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Ceannt, Éamonn
Ceannt, Éamonn

Revolutionary and republican who lived on Herberton Road and who has Éamonn Ceannt park named after him.

Appears in Maps

Building Details
Address: Herberton Lane, Dolphin's Barn
Longitude: -6.298621769828135
Latitude: 53.33298780403226
Still exists: No
Date built: 1877c
Date first mentioned: 1877
Road(s): Herberton Road