Walkinstown House (Buttercup Lodge) (Wilkinstown House)

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory
1868-1871 Mr. James Donagh, Walkinstown house
1872-1874 Mr John Graves, Walkinstown house
1875-1879 William Flanagan, Walkinstown house
1880-1886 W. Flanagan, Walkinstown house
1893-1896 Mrs. Flanagan, Walkinstown house
1897-1901 Mr Thos.J. Curtis, Walkinstown house
1902-1910 Walkinstown house vacant
1911-1926 William Flanagan, Walkinstown house
1923-1927 Patrick Crowley, Walkinstown House
1928-1932 Walkinstown house vacant
1933-1949 Frank Flanagan, Walkinstown house

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email crumlinwalkinstownhistory@gmail.com

Related Places

Related People

Flanagan, Willie ('Bird')
Flanagan, Willie ('Bird')

Landowner, Market Gardener and practical joker owned land and businesses in Walkinstown and Crumlin

Appears in Maps

Building Details
Longitude: -6.3295143971447025
Latitude: 53.321803621427435
Still exists: No
Date built: 1847<
Date first mentioned: 1847<
Road(s): Walkinstown Road