Sundrive Road (Hangman's Lane / Dark Lane / Sundrive Avenue)
Sundrive Road (previously Dark Lane and Hangman's Lane) is a residental road connectiing Crumlin Road to Kimmage Road Lower.

Bóthar Ghrianréime Sundrive Road

Name Derivation

Named Hang Man Lane after Tom Galvin, the hangman responsible for executing many condemned United Irishmen in 1798. It then was renamed to Dark Lane, presumably as it was a narrow dark lane. In 1935, it was renamed Sundrive road it was widened and straightened as renamed in contrast to the dark lane it replaced.


“Sundrive Road” first appeared in the Crumlin section of Thom’s Directory in 1938, but in the Rathmines District section as “Sundrive-road, Larkfield” (8 houses) in the 1933 edition. This reflects the old Rathmines and Rathgar Urban District boundary.

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this place. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

Related Buildings

Terraces, Apartments, Townlands, Parishes

Points of Interest

Related People

Plunkett, George Oliver Michael
Plunkett, George Oliver Michael

Republican who lived in Larkfield Mills Sundrive road. Commanded the Kimmage garrison.

Beschoff, Ivan
Beschoff, Ivan

Ukrainian businessman who set up Fish and Chip shop on Sundrive Road.

O'Reilly, Joan Gertrude
O'Reilly, Joan Gertrude

Hockey player, athlete and sports administrator who was born and lived in 33 Sundrive Road and ran a butchers there.

Plunkett, Joseph Mary
Plunkett, Joseph Mary

Poet, journalist, and revolutionary who lived in Larkfield "Kimmage Garrison" on Sundrive Road.

Galvin, Tom
Galvin, Tom

Executioner, Hangman lived in Crumlin who "Hangman's Lane" now Sundrive Road is named after.

Appears in Maps

Placename Details
Irish Name: Bóthar Ghrianréime
Current Name: Sundrive Road
Type: Street
Postal Code: 12
Area: Crumlin
Year first mentioned: 1757<(Hangmans Lane) 1791< (Dark Lane) 1934c(Sundrive Road)