Kingsfield House (Maypark / Coruba House)

Frank Oman thought that Kingsfield House might have got its name from King William camping in the field at the rear of the house in 1690 – Frank Oman, ‘Old Crumlin disappearing’, in ‘Chat’, Mar. 1972. But Finola Watchorn has found medieval documents referring to the King’s Field as a place where the Crumlin manorial court was held – Finola Watchorn, ‘Crumlin and the way it was’.

Owner / Occupier Information:

18th century: Lady Frances Holt


Thom’s Directory

1844 Alexander Stephenson, esq., Kingsfield

1847 – Captain Charles Hurry, Kingsfield

1852 – 1870 James Mitchell, surgeon, Kingsfield, and 15 York street
1856 Humphrey Minchin, Kingsfield House

1875 – 1884 John Cassidy, Kingsfield park
1883 – 1891 Patrick F Butler, Kingsfield House
1892 – 1896 Miss Butler, Kingsfield House
1897 – 1908 Thomas Somers, Kingsfield House
1909 – 1911 Joseph Somers, Kingsfield House
1912 Kingsfield House vacant
1913 – 1919 Henry Mooney, Kingsfield House
1921 – 1932 George Pratt, Kingsfield House
1933 – 1949 Capt. M. O’ Connell, Kingsfield House [Captain O’Connell was a descendant of Daniel O’Connell and later lived at Derrynane – Frank Oman, ‘Old Crumlin disappearing’, in ‘Chat’, Mar. 1972.]


Appears in the following maps:
Building Details
Longitude: -6.318076153560045
Latitude: 53.32101349977742
Still exists: No
Date built: 1800<
Date first mentioned: 1847
Road(s): Crumlin Road