We have a number of projects and events that we are organising and researching at present. Please get in touch if you would like to help or support these projects.

Poddle River Website

Poddleologists rejoice! We ae developing a website to house historical information about the river Poddle. It has over 250 news articles, 60 landmarks and other information historical faces from the 1700s to the present day. The website will be launched in October 2024. as part of the Dublin Festival of History.

Heritage Signage

We are developing a suite of heritage signage and self guided trails which we will be implementing around the area. The signage will allow people to learn more about the history of the local area at their own leisure. These signs will be launched in Winter 2024.

Local Heritage Repository

We are mapping and actively researching as many local streets, place names, buildings, people, points of interest, events, and stories in the local area. We already have approximately 500 research topics. This research will form the basis of a local history database which we will add to as time passes. Please get in touch if you would like to help with this process.

Commemorative Plaques

We are working to install commemorative plaques in Crumlin, Walkinstown and the surrounds for notable local people who lived or contributed to the area. The next plaque that we have sought is a plaque for is artist Jonathan Wade who lived on Walkinstown Avenue and who tragically died in the 1970s. Three plaques currently exist in Crumlin commemorating Phil Lynottt, Christy Brown and Shay Elliot.

Guided Walking Tours

We are developing guided walking tours around the Crumlin and Walkinstown area. Watch this space.

Local Oral History

We are currently conducting interviews with locals to gather their stories, memories and other recollections. This will be published in 2024. If you know of anyone who would like to be interviewed or would like to get involved in the editing and recording process, please contact us.