We have a number of projects and events completed. You can read more about the projects below or view our ongoing projects.
Poddle River Website
Poddleologists rejoice! We have developed a website to house historical information about the river Poddle. It has over 250 news articles, 60 landmarks and other information historical faces from the 1700s to the present day. The website was launched in October 2024. as part of the Dublin Festival of History. View the website here: https://poddle.crumlinwalkinstownhistory.ie
Crumlin & Walkinstown History Festival
We ran our first history festival this year, featuring a series of four talks on local heritage subjects. The topics included the Iveagh Gardens on Crumlin Road, the Flanagan Estate of Crumlin and Walkinstown (with Leicester House, Walkinstown House, and Bird Flanagan), the Women of 1916 by Liz Gillis, and a fascinating discussion on the background of a photo of Padraig Pearse on Crumlin Road, followed by a Q&A session. The event took place in St. Agnes Hall Parish Centre, Crumlin, from 2-5:30 pm on Saturday, 24th August. No booking was required, but spaces were given on a first-come, first-served basis.
Read more on the heritage week website.
Young Historians 2023-2024
In 2024, we ran a trial initiative with local transition-year students from Rosary College. The project partners were our group, Dublin City Council (Crumlin Office) and Cathy Scuffil. The aim of the initiative was to get local teenagers involved in researching notable people with a connection to the local area. The students researched and designed posters which were exhibited on the hoarding of the Glebe House building site in Crumlin Village. In the next year we will aim to expand it to more schools in the area.
‘Crumlin and the Way it Was’ – book republished.
Finola Watchorn has collaborated with our group to republish ‘Crumlin and the Way it Was’ a key book in Crumlin history. The original book files were misplaced, so our group has reconstructed the 250 page book with small adjustments and hope to reprint. The book was launched on 22nd June at 2:30pm in St. Agnes Parish Center. It is available to purchase in Brady’s Newsagent and Crumlin Hardware in Crumlin Village. You can order it here:
Crumlin Walking Trail
This Crumlin Walking Trail Map & Guide was produced by members of the Crumlin History Group – Kay Breen, John Goodwillie, Aidan Hodson, Brendan Mullins, Martin’ O Brien, Tom Scott and Mary Thomas in conjunction with Dublin City Council. Paper versions are available in the DCC Crumlin Area Office in Crumlin Village or you can view and download an online version on this website.
Crumlin Heritage Audit
In April 2022, funding was secured from the Heritage Council under the Community Heritage Grants Scheme to implement a community-led heritage audit. The purpose of this community heritage audit is to identify and prioritise heritage sites and features of interest in Crumlin and provide recommendations on the best way to highlight and interpret these.
Finola Watchorn Exhibition
An exhibition celebrating local historian Finola Watchorn and her work on documenting the history of Crumlin, was held in Walkinstown Library on 7th October 2023 10am-4:45pm and the 9th October 2023, as part of the Dublin Festival of History. Thanks to DCC local area office and Walkinstown library staff for help with the project. (Photo: Martin O’ Brien)
Open House – St. Mary’s Church and Graveyard
As part of Open house, a sold out tour on 14th October 2023 led by archaeologist Enda Fahy detailed the rich history of St Mary’s Church and graveyard. Attendees were five the chance to learn about the prominent people buried on the site and the history of the historic church. Thanks to Drimnagh Castle, Irish Architecture Foundation & volunteers and Enda Fahy. (Photo: Martin O’ Brien)