Towerfield House (Tower Field / Marianville)

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory

1857 John Colclough, esq. (Towerfield House)
1858 William Percival O’Neill, esq. (Towerfield House)
1859-1870 Mr. William Burnside (Marianville)
1871 Mr. John Flynn (Marianville)
1872-1881 Mr. John Flynn (Towerfield House)
1882-1890 Mr. Patrick Duane (Towerfield House)
1891 Towerfield House vacant
1892-1914 Mr. Michael, John,Joseph & MAry White (Towerfield House)
1915-1946 Michael Healy (Towerfield House)

1947 Towerfield House demolished

*John Flynn lived in Camac Place and Woodbine Cottage before Marian Vile

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Colclough, John
Colclough, John

A coachbuilder who lived in Towerfield House off the Crumlin Road

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Building Details
Longitude: -6.293562893540066
Latitude: 53.32854280996023
Still exists: No
Date built: 1858c
Date first mentioned: 1858
Date last mentioned: 1947
Road(s): Crumlin Road