Ravensdale Mills (Kimmage Mills) (Tinker's Mills) (Tinker Mills)

Before 1882 the name “Kimmage Mills” was used for other mills, believed to be those located in the St Anne’s area, outside the scope of this website.

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory

Tinker’s Mills
1847-1868 Patrick Regan, flour miller & baker (and North King-street)
1869-1881 John Lennox

Kimmage Mills
1882-1891 Mrs. Lennox
1884-1891 G. W. Magee
1892 Vacant
1893-1894 Mervyn Drake

Ravensdale Mills
1895-1898 Mervyn Drake
1899-1910 John Hart (and 40 Wellington Quay)
1911-1922 Mervyn Drake (and 40 Wellington Quay)
1923-1949 Ravensdale Mills [no name given]

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email crumlinwalkinstownhistory@gmail.com

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Building Details
Longitude: -6.2976850615326025
Latitude: 53.31381156054871
Still exists: No
Date built: 1816<
Date first mentioned: 1816<
Road(s): Kimmage Road Lower