Rosebush House (Rosebush) (Rose Bush)

The name Rosebush was also used for an area of Crumlin stretching east from Crumlin House, quite separate from the Rosebush or Rosebush House listed here.

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory
1851-1852 George Surr Fitzhugh, esq., Rose Bush
1853 James Byrne, esq., Rosebush
1854-1857 George S. Fitzhugh, esq., Sun hotel, Rosebush
1858-1859 Reverend S. G. Morrison, Rosebush

1862-1873 Henry C. Allen, agent Barrow Navigation Co., Rosebush house
1867-1868 Daniel Wauchop, Rosebush house
1874 R. V. Hains, Rosebush house
1875-1880 R. L. Tivy, Rosebush house
1879-1881 E. H. Stanley, Rosebush house
1882 Peter Kenny, Rosebush house
1883 Vacant
1884 Robert Edward Owens, Rosebush house
1886-1887 Captain Wyndham Quinn (1887, Rosebush)
1888-1890 James R. McElroy, Rosebush
1891 Daniel Harrington, Rosebush
1892-1896 J. T. Mathews, Rosebush
1896-1899 Rev. C. F. Baines, Chaplain to the Forces (Rosebush, then Rosebush house)
1900-1937 Harry & Henry Nicholson, Rosebush house


We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Building Details
Longitude: -6.298573996125814
Latitude: 53.32966714982557
Still exists: No
Date built: 1851c
Date first mentioned: 1851c
Date last mentioned: 1937
Road(s): Crumlin Road