Rutland Flour Mills (Laundry)

Rutland Flour Mills seem to be the most likely location for Dolphin’s Barn Mills.

Owner / Occupier Information:

Dolphin’s-barn mills
1851-1853 John Tempany, corn merchant, Vicar’s field

Rutland Flour Mills / Laundry
1859-1899 Clibborn and Shaw (66 to 68 Jervis Street – Corn Factors)
1890 Vacant
1900-1903 Patrick Roche

1909-1911 X.L. Laundry, W. F. Haydock


Appears in the following maps:
Building Details
Longitude: -6.292138835714575
Latitude: 53.330061726970534
Still exists: No
Date built: 1851c
Date first mentioned: 1851
Date last mentioned: 1911
Road(s): Rutland Avenue