Rutland Flour Mills (Laundry)

Rutland Flour Mills seem to be the most likely location for Dolphin’s Barn Mills.

Owner / Occupier Information:

Dolphin’s-barn mills
1851-1853 John Tempany, corn merchant, Vicar’s field

Rutland Flour Mills / Laundry
1859-1899 Clibborn and Shaw (66 to 68 Jervis Street – Corn Factors)
1890 Vacant
1900-1903 Patrick Roche

1909-1911 X.L. Laundry, W. F. Haydock


We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Building Details
Longitude: -6.292138835714575
Latitude: 53.330061726970534
Still exists: No
Date built: 1851c
Date first mentioned: 1851
Date last mentioned: 1911
Road(s): Rutland Avenue