Was also called and Iron Foundry, Rutland Iron Works, Metal Works, Iron Foundry, Metal Foundry
Owner / Occupier Information: Thoms Directory
1832 George Millner (Hall’s Lane)
1833-1841 N.R. Caffrey (worsted spinner)
1842 John Guy (Halls Lane)
1843-1844 John Guy (patent axle factory )
1843-1876 Robert Guy (1852-1876, patent axle factory – Lived in Sandycove Castle, Kingstown, Cave castle, Kingstown, and 3 Stephens Green, North)
1867-1869 Edward Holmes (Thornville, Rutland-Avenue and Rutland Iron Mills)
1870-1871 Robert Gray
1872 Patrick Kellett, patent
1873 Vacant
1878-1880 Michl Moran. Patent Axle Works and Rutland Mills
1878-1880 Charles O’Neill, button manufacturer
1880 Mich Moran
1884-1886 Mr James Smith
1887 Mr Denni O Connor
1887 Charles O’Neill, button maker
1888 Henry Thorne
We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email
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