St. Agnes [Kimmage] (Hawthorn Villa)

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory
1904-1905: Mrs. Dennehy
1906: Michael Farrell
1907-1910: Albert M’Evoy
1911-1912: B. Murray
1913-1949: J. M’Evoy

1914-1916 Thom’s Directories report J. McEvoy as living at Hawthorn Villa, Kimmage-road, valuation 5l., and at 5 Martin’s Terrace, Kimmage-road, valuation 10l. Despite the different valuations, it seems possible that they are the same house, as Hawthorn Villa disappears after 1916. 1917-1921 Thom’s Directories report the Martin’s Terrace address only. From 1922 J. McEvoy’s house is named as St. Agnes. Up to 1913 the only address used is 5 Martin’s Terrace.

After 1934 identified only as 339 Kimmage Road Lower, without a house name.

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Building Details
Address: 5 Martin's Terrace, 339 Kimmage Road Lower
Longitude: -6.2962522518569495
Latitude: 53.314835574237804
Still exists: Yes
Date built: 1904c
Date first mentioned: 1904
Road(s): Kimmage Road Lower