Grove House (Grove Villa) (Grove Villa House) (Grove House) (Crumlin Villa) (Cromclan/Cromelan Cottage)

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory

Cromclan Cottage
1850 James Keeley

Crumlin Villa
1851 – 1862 James Keeley, esq.
1856 J.G Primrose
1856 G. John
1863 – 1869 Cornelius Curtin
1870 – 1877 Mrs. Curtin
1878 Mrs O’ Looney

Name of house changed from Crumlin Villa to Grovevilla House.

Grove Villa House
1879-1908 Brian O’Looney, Grove-villa House
1909-1911 Mrs. O’Looney, Grove-villa House
1912-1913 Grove-villa House vacant
1914-1934 P. Kavanagh, Grove-villa House
1935 J. Kavanagh, Grove House, Prospect-villas, Old Country-road
1935 Alfred White, 1 Grove House, Prospect-villas, Old Country-road
1935 G. Lunch, 2 Grove House, Prospect-villas, Old Country-road
[Prospect-villas appears to be a filing error. Old Country-road is probably a misprint for Old County Road. Grove House was on Old County Road, but Nos 1 and 2 Prospect-villas were on Crumlin Road and were numbered 162 and 164 Crumlin Road.]
1936-1938 J. Kavanagh, Grove House, Old Country-road
1939 P. Kavanagh, Grove-house, 110 Old Country-road
1940-1941 110 Old Country-road vacant
1942-1944 P. Kavanagh & Sons, 110 Old County-road
1945-1949 John Shiel, 110 Old County-road




We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Related People

Ó Luanaigh (O'Looney), Brian
Ó Luanaigh (O'Looney), Brian

Celticist who lived and died on Old County Road.

Appears in Maps

Building Details
Longitude: -6.302910943789978
Latitude: 53.32759629503817
Still exists: No
Date built: 1848c
Date first mentioned: 1850
Road(s): Old County Road