New Park House

Owner / Occupier Information:

Thom’s Directory
1849-1850 John Donagh, farmer, New park, Kimmage-road
1877-1886 Patrick Bracken, Newpark house, Kimmage-road
1887 Vacant (Newpark house, Kimmage-road)
1888-1892 Henry Lawless, Newpark house, Kimmage-road
1891-1897 Richard Louth, Newpark house, Kimmage-road
1898-1903 Vacant (Newpark house, Kimmage-road)
1904 T. Gelsinon (Newpark house, Kimmage-road)
1905-1906 Vacant (Newpark house, Kimmage-road)
1907-1909 Mrs. Nolan, Newpark house, Kimmage-road
1910 Vacant (Newpark house, Kimmage-road)
1911-1949 J. Walton, Newpark house, Kimmage-road
1914-1915 J. Neary, Newpark house, Kimmage-road
1916-1938 Charles Denis Mockler, New Park-house, Kimmage-road

1911 Census – Stannaway DED

We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email

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Building Details
Longitude: -6.294329793540985
Latitude: 53.32202896168182
Still exists: No
Date built: 1849c
Date first mentioned: 1849
Date last mentioned: 1938
Road(s): Sundrive Road