“According to the Census of 1831 there were 7,567,456 people in Ireland. 958 of these lived in Crumlin: 455 in the village. There were 155 houses here then, and a Catholic school with 70 pupils ‘close by the Roman Catholic Church.’ This school was a two story structure of local limestone” – Frank Oman, ‘From the “Star” to the village in 1831’, in ‘Chat’, Nov./Dec. 1971.
The lime-washed building was replaced by a new national school in 1914 a little to its right – Finola Watchorn , ‘Crumlin and the way it was’.
Owner / Occupier Information: Thom’s Directory
Roman Catholic Chapel & Schools
1839-1845 [Master not named]
Crumlin Schools
1846-1860 [Master not named]
Crumlin National Male School / Master National School
1861-1865 John Howard
1866 [Master not named]
1867-1868 Edmond F. Murphy
1869 John Howard
1870-1875 Thos. Hayes
1876-1877 Patrick O’Connor
1878-1881 Joseph O’Connor
1882-1884 James Malone
1885-1889 Patrick Kelly
1890-1898 James Malone
Crumlin National Male & Female School
1899-1906 James Malone, master; Miss C. Neville, mistress
1907-1908 Mr. Nyham, master; Miss C. Neville, mistress
1909-1915 P. Lynch, master; Mrs. Payne, mistress
1916-1949 F. Gaffney, master; Mrs. Payne, mistress
We are currently working on researching newspapers, archives and other sources to add more details about this building, the people that occupiped it. If you would like to help with the research or have any details that would help, please email
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