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Bad Sanitary Conditions

February 27, 1955

Sir — In The Voice of the People (6/2/’55), a correspondent, “S.O.S.,” deplores the shocking sanitary conditions in our towns, with special reference to dance halls. Dance halls are only places of amusement and may be avoided if conditions there do not meet our requirements.

Evidently, “S.O.S.” is not familiar with similar conditions in our homes, where parents are expected to rear healthy families and where people must spend most of their time. For example, on Rafter’s Road and Lane, a couple of miles from O’Connell Bridge, Dublin, there are 24 cottages surrounded by building schemes, both private and Corporation. The water mains are passing the doors, yet we must carry water from a pump for every use, no matter how severe the weather may be.

About three years ago, the tenants were under the impression that water was about to be laid on, as all the necessary equipment was brought to the garden of one tenant. There it remained on show for some time. Eventually, work started in Rafter’s Lane, but some difference arose, and the Corporation used this as an excuse to stop the work. The equipment was taken away again, so we are still living under the same conditions, with no water or sanitary accommodation.

Isn’t it time our T.D.s or Corporation members took some serious action in this matter?

Rafter’s Road, Crumlin.