Cyclist Killed - Charge Against Lorry Driver
October 20, 1921
Dublin. Friday – A chauffeur named Joseph Bennett, Merville, Finglas, was charged in the Northern Police County today before Mr. Lipton, K.C. with feloniously killing Wm. Merriman by carelessness and negligence in the management of a motor lorry. Inspector R.J Parks, D.M.P deposed the he arrested the accused between 3 and 10a.m this morning and when charged and cautioned made the following signed statement – “I am a chauffeur in the employment of Craigie Bros, Merville Finglas. About 5.10pm. yesterday I was driving a two-ton motor lorry I.K 4015, the property of my employers along the Crumlin road, coming towards the city. I was coming at the rate of 5 or 6 miles per hour at the time. After I passed the Dark lane I saw a man cycling in front of me, going nearly as fast as I was. Both of us were on our own side. When I was passing him on the right, I saw his bicycle slipping I swerved off to the right of the road. The man made a grab for the motor. I swerved to the right and slapped on the brake and stopped immediately. I had two men in the lorry with me, and we all got dow. We found the man lying on the road about two or three yards behind the lorry and took him to the Meath Hospital. I could not say if the wheel passed over him. I saw a constable at Dark lane and called him at once.” Accused was remanded on his own bail until after the inquest.
– Evening Herald 1891-current, Friday, October 21, 1921; Page: 2
Crumlin Road Fatality
Inquest on Tragic Death of an Engine Driver.
Dr. Louis A. Byrne held an inquest in the City Morgue on Saturday on the body of an engine-driver named Wm. Merriman (45?), 4 Weaver’s Square, of Cork street. He met with an accident while cycling on Thursday evening on the Crumlin road. He was conveyed to the Meath Hospital, and died on the same evening. Mrs. Merriman having given evidence of identification, said her husband went out for a cycle run on Thursday evening, between 4 and 5pm. He was a teetotaller all his life. John Mahon, 3a Emerald square, Dolphin’s Barn said on the evening in question he was travelling in a motor lorry towards the city along the Crumlin road. He saw a cyclist going in the same direction on his proper side. As the lorry was passing the deceased, on the right offside, the bicycle skidded and the cyclist feel against the left back portion of the lorry. The road was wet and greasy at the place. The lorry was going at 7 or 6 miles an hour. After the accident, the driver pulled up within five yard. He could not say if the lorry passed over the deceased.
Mr. John Cragie, Meville, Finglas, stated the driver had been in his employment for several years, and was a skilled, sober and careful man. He had never had an accident before.
Dr. Burke, House Surgeon, Meath Hospital stated that the deceased was admitted to the hospital at 5.20 on Thursday evening. He was in a condition of extreme shock and was suffering from cuts on his head and wounds on the hip. Death in his opinion was due to internal haemorrhage and shock.
The jury returned a verdict of accidental death and recommended the widow and orphans to the kind consideration of the owner of the motor lorry.
– Freemans Journal 1763-1924, October 24, 1921