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Wanton Damage to Public Property - Sundrive Road

June 5, 1940

Wanton Damage to Public Property

(” Herald “It is only by education be checked,” our representative was informed at the office of the City Manager. In this process of education, it was stated, the parents of young people, the general public, and the teachers could with effect play a part.

Young people, our representative was told, should be impressed with the necessity of respecting public property.

“We cannot shut our eyes, however, to the fact that the nature of the damage to’ some trees was not the work of children, but by adults.”

During the municipal -strike considerable damage was done in Corporation playgrounds. Glass was broken in the playground shelters, stores entered, first aid equipment and the mouth-organs of the children stolen. Valuable trees were broken down at other parts of the city. At Mountjoy Square and at Sundrive Road damage to property to the extent of £43 had been caused.


Reference to the damage was contained in the report of the City Manager to the Corporation at their meeting on Monday night last when tribute was paid to the Press for its support in the campaign against destruction of public property.

Apart from those specifically mentioned cases, our representative was informed at the office of the City Manager that complaints were _being received daily regarding some kind of damage or another. A certain amount of these complaints came from new housing schemes where families from slums were being accommodated.

It was felt that with education on respect for public property the young people would ultimately re-act to their environments. Citizens who saw people cause’ destruction should point to them how wrong it,was.